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PSV Celebrates PA Week – October 6-12

Oct 10, 2016

In recognition of Physician Assistants (PAs) week (October 6-12), Pediatric Specialists of Virginia would like to thank each of our PAs for their hard work, dedication, and commitment to providing the best pediatric specialty care possible to our patients and families in Northern Virginia and nearby communities.

Please meet our PA team:

Susana Chang, PA-C (Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine)

Alissa Mills, PA-C (Hematology/Oncology)

Robyn Morrissette, PA-C (Allergy)

Eleanor Preta, PA-C (Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine

Kathy Scarbalis, PA-C (Hematology/Oncology)

Peggy Vollstad, PA-C (Neurosurgery)

Thank you for all that you do!