Pediatric Specialists of Virginia (PSV) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, the Nature's Best Photography team, and other PSV staff gathered last Friday, May 6, 2022, to celebrate the opening of the new Where the Wild Ones Are exhibit with a Pounce’s Curiosity Walk Reception.
During the Pounce’s Curiosity Walk, we learned that nature photographers travel around the world to help document the beauty of the environment across each continent. Photographers of all ages and backgrounds submit their best work to the Nature's Best Photography Awards program.
Some of the top submissions to the Nature's Best Photography Awards program now fill the walls on the 5th floor at our Hamaker location. The next time you visit PSV, join our curious Pounce and stroll down the Where the Wild Ones Are exhibit!
This exhibit is made possible by:
Susan and Daniel Katzin
The Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation
The Henery Foundation
Miriam and Gerry Scully - The Neel Foundation
For more information about Nature's Best Photography, and its awards programs and winners, please visit their website here!